Monday, March 8, 2010

After learning how to read other blogs, I realize my blog was kind of boring.
This is such a new experience for me. I am learning by asking a lot of questions and getting help from Gina and my children!

A little about me..
Since I was a little girl I have been teaching. I had 4 old school desks in my basement for my neighbor children to sit in. We would take turns playing the teacher. My dad said he always knew who I had for a teacher because I sounded just like that teacher when I was talking to "my class."
My mom was a first grade teacher and she brought home extra worksheets and materials for me to use when I played. My dad was my principal at school and some of the teachers gave him materials for me to use as well. Mrs. Moore, a 5th grade teacher even gave me her high heel shoes to wear when I played teacher.
When I got older I was very against being a teacher because everyone told me I should be one! I resisted for a long time. I wanted to be my own person and NOT follow in my parents footsteps. After 3 years of college I realized that teaching is where I needed to be. Teaching has been a great profession for me. Each year has been really interesting and rewarding.
I am looking forward to this new challenge of working on a blog. This has not been as easy as I thought it would be. I will continue to try and work hard on keeping it updated. I feel fortunate to have so many people to help me understand this technology.


  1. Lori-I am still adding to adding to my latest post, but it seems our journey into our profession are very similar. It took me longer than three years to figure it out, but I know I am in the right place.

  2. great pictures! I am so glad you decided to be a teacher - you have inspired a great many children (including my own!). I was sort of the opposite. I always knew I would be a teacher, but my parents tried to talk me out of it. They were both teachers and knew the trials and hardships. However, they taught high school and I think they missed out on the joys of elementary.
